%Accept the settings in this dialogbox.Close the dialogbox without making any changes Perform the action Do not perform the action0Zoek een bepaalde kaart bij een willekeurig veld Wijzig huidige kaart+Voeg een nieuwe kaart toe aan de kaartenbak,Verwijder de huidige kaart uit de kaartenbak Doe de kaartenbak dicht System commands About Sql Explainer>Welcome to SQL Explainer! Press Enter to close this dialog box Enter your Xplain statement>Translate this Xplain statement to an equivalent SQL statement Open translator dialog box Clear current statement*Disk is full. Insert new disk in drive %c. Not enough memory to copy files.%Error %d: file %s could not be found. Too many open files. File %s is read only. Disk read error. Disk full. Disk is not formatted. Disk is write protected. Drive not ready. Printer out of paper Error %d: Hardware failure. Internal error. -- empty -- -- empty -- ~Y~es Cancel Warning Error Information Confirm Password Enter your password ~E~dit ~N~ew ~D~el Invalid character in input. Value not in the range %d to %d. ~T~ext to find ~C~ase sensitive ~W~hole words only Replace ~N~ew text ~P~rompt on replace ~R~eplace all$Not enough memory for this operation Error reading file %s. Error writing file %s. Error creating file %s. %s has been changed. Save? Save untitled file? Save file as ~N~ame Search string not found. Replace this occurence? Helpfile %s not registered. Helpfile %s not found.,Put of unregistered object type to stream %s.Get of unregistered object type from stream %s Cannot expand stream %s Read beyond end of stream %s Error initializing stream %s Error accessing stream %s Strings